Monday, January 14, 2008

Fluent Interface Grammars: Part III (Nesting)

Last time, we saw the properties of fluent interfaces that use method-chaining only. Namely, they can express any regular language not containing the empty string. We also saw an example of a non-regular language. The language accepts any string with a run of a's followed by an equal number of b's, i.e. ab, aabb, aaabbb, etc...

S ::= a B
S ::= a S B
B ::= b
Today, in Part III of our saga, we examine fluent interfaces that use nesting exclusively (Steve Asher discusses nested interfaces here). Just as one cannot implement this language as chaining interface,

a().a().a().b().b().b() // (Can't do this.)
the most obvious nested interface for this language is also impossible, for similar reasons.

a(a(a(b(b(b()))))) // (Can't do this either.)

However, it is quite easy to express this (slightly uglier) version:

a(a(a(b()),b()),b()) // (Yucky, but possible.)

This is done with the following nested interface.

public static class S {}
public static class B {}
public static S a(B arg1) { return new S(); }
public static S a(S arg1, B arg2) { return new S(); }
public static B b() { return new B(); }
Thus, we find that there exists at least one non-regular language expressible with nested interfaces. What else can we do?

All context-free grammars can be reduced to Greibach normal form, which only allows production rules of two types:

1. S ::= $
2. A ::= a X

... where A is any non-terminal, a is any terminal, and X is a list of zero or more non-terminals. Rules of type 1 cannot be expressed because our grammars cannot accept the empty string (as noted in Part II). The rules of type 2 become top-level methods in this fashion:

// A ::= a
public static A a() {return new A();}
// A ::= a B
public static A a(B arg1) {return new A();}
// A ::= a BCD
public static A a(B arg1, C arg2, D arg3) {return new A();}

Does this mean that any context-free grammar (that doesn't accept the empty string) can be mapped to a nested fluent interface? Not quite—there is one more caveat. No two rules may have the same right-hand side, because they would yield two top-level methods with competing signatures. The question then becomes: Can any context-free grammar be reduced to a Greibach normal form without duplicate right-hand sides? After afew minutes on a whiteboard, I'm leaning toward no.

Let us now extend our grammar notation to indicate parameter lists.

S ::= a(B)
S ::= a(S B)
B ::= b()

This will make the transition from grammar to code more obvious. Additionally, it will prepare us for the next chapter: mixed interfaces.

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